星期六, 6月 12, 2010


This is updated with the latest tool. (Windows)
I included a zip with all files you may need at the bottom of the post.

1. Turn off your phone

2. Turn on the phone into bootloader (camera+power).
Make sure it say fastboot in the middle if not hit back and it should appear-

3. Make sure your device is found in device manger 
If you don't see adb device up top in device manger find the yellow mark devices
Right Click, update driver, and point to the location of the USB Driver
(Driver for 1.5r2)
If you have the "new spl" you're going to need the new usb drivers

4. Open and extract the below zip to your desktop
You should now have a custom and fastboot folder on your desktop

5. Open up a dos window (start>run>CMD)

6. Type cd desktop then cd fastboot 

7. If you would not like to flash the sample images skip to step 9

8. copy and paste the command line by line 
fastboot flash splash1 mysplash.rgb565
fastboot flash splash2 mysplash.rgb565 You dont get a splash2 option with the "NEW SPL"
fastboot reboot

Part 2 Making your own images 
9. Open up the "create" folder 

10. Run CreateG1Splash.exe

11. Open up your image in the program and click convert

12. Go to the folder of your images and their you will find mysplash.rgb565

13. Place the mysplash.rgb565 into the fastboot folder

14. copy and paste the command line by line 
fastboot flash splash1 mysplash.rgb565
fastboot flash splash2 mysplash.rgb565
fastboot reboot

