星期六, 6月 12, 2010

Android 更換開機動畫

(Thanks to Jerry43812!)

1. Download the ZIP of the boot animation you would like to apply to your phone.

* For the first boot animation (with green flare, do not unzip the file. Just move it to your tools folder.
* For the second or third boot animations, please unzip the file you download from here, resulting with a folder with another ZIP - inside, called bootanimation.zip. Please move that bootanimation.zip to your Android-(SDK)-Tool-Folder

2. Open up a command prompt, and head into your local tools folder.
cd C:\Android\tools
(Or whatever folder you choosed for Android Tools)

3. Now, enter the following commands, one line at a time.

adb remount

adb mv

adb push bootanimation.zip /system/media/bootanimation.zip

adb push bootanimation.zip /data/local/bootanimation.zip

adb reboot
Now when your phone begins to reboot, it should be using the new boot animation you just applied to your phone. Note that if this does not work on your phone, please use the following commands:

cd C:\Android\tools

adb remount

adb shell rm /system/media/bootanimation.zip

adb reboot
This block of commands will remove the bootanimation.zip file that we just wrote, hopefully leaving you with the old animation you had, before. I just tested all of these commands an they do indeed work, on my CDMA HTC Hero running RegawMod 2.1t. 

