星期日, 10月 10, 2021

I got lots of interesting things from your computer

Hello there,

Wish you don't really mind my english grammar, because i am from
Philippines. I toxified your system with a virus and now have all your
personal information out of your os.

It was mounted on a mature internet page then you've selected the movie and
viewed it, my application quickly got into your computer.

And then, your web-cam started to record you hand partying, additionally i
caught a video that you have looked at.

After a short while it also picked up all of your social contacts. If you
ever would like me to wipe off your everything i currently have - send me
730 dollars in btc its a crypto. It is my btc wallet address
: bc1qjw86ve0ll9x4xyzsl74qpfresxuyfnw50x8v57

Now you will have 24hr s. to decide As soon as i will get the deal i'm
going get rid of this video and everything completely. Otherwise, you should
be certain this evidence will be forwarded to all your buddies.

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